Reminder: Today is the last day to register ONLINE to vote in California!

Today, October 24, 2022, is the LAST day to register ONLINE to vote in California!

How to register online?

Go to the website Voter registration is managed by the CA Secretary of State’s office, so you should see the SecState’s name and seal (Shirley N. Weber).

Select Language

The voter registration site is available in Khmer, Japanese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Korean, Thai, Tagalog, Hindi, and [Mandarin] Chinese.

What info should I have ready?

  • Your California driver license or state ID card number,

  • The last four digits of your social security number

  • Your date of birth.

You can also pre-register to vote online if there are 16- or 17-year-olds in your household who would like to become future voters, or check your registration status to confirm your address, check your political party status, and other info. If you are a participant in programs such as Safe at Home, you may be eligible to vote confidentially. More information here:

What if I miss the online voter registration deadline?

You can still register to vote in person after October 24, either during early voting periods, or on Election Day (November 8), but it could make casting your ballot a longer process than it needs to be! Since California is now a primarily mail-in voting state, registering early ensures that you have time to receive

What if myself or a friend or relative has linguistic or disability barriers that make voting harder?

Asia Fields wrote an excellent explainer for Pro Publica entitled, “How to Vote: A Quick and Easy Guide” that summarizes your rights as a citizen. It says in part, “You do not have to prove you can read or write to vote. The law says you can get help with voting if you have a disability or cannot read.” If you have a guardian, you may need a judge to determine whether you can vote. Know your rights so that you and your community can successfully participate in the democratic process!

blogRoger DiRusco